#WIMG is a PERMAGOV campaign designed to celebrate the role of women in marine governance. Case studies take the form of short interviews where participants share their background, interests, ideas and recommendations for improving the way in which ocean affairs are managed. Each story is unique. By spotlighting our WIMG stars, we hope that readers from all walks of life will be inspired to make their contribution in support of a sustainable ocean. Featured in this case study is Lina Tode, Deputy Director at the Marseille-based Plan Bleu.

Current job
I work as a Deputy Director at Plan Bleu, one of the Regional Activity Centers of the Mediterranean Action Plan. MAP was established in 1975 as a multilateral environmental agreement under the Regional Seas Programme of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). An observatory on environment and development, Plan Bleu is advancing knowledge on transition to a sustainable blue economy and climate change in the Mediterranean. My job consists of organising, alongside the director, the Plan Bleu work program, of managing the center and its activities, and of supervising Plan Bleu colleagues.
Study and career path
I am an environmental economist by training. I started my career in Plan Bleu as an intern 12 years ago. I worked mainly on socio-economic issues and program management prior to my current position.
Participation in PERMAGOV
We are one of the end-users of the project and are fully involved in most of the work packages, in particular work package 6 which focuses on improving multi-layered marine governance performance.
Marine governance
Marine governance is broader than government. It involves multi-stakeholder interactions between industry, citizens, local (coastal) communities, eco-systems, scientists, and policy makers. If I could change something about marine governance, it would be to give more voice to all users of the sea, including future generations and the eco-systems.
All marine sectors seem to be looking for women. They have realized that more inclusive teams lead to better results and encourage empowerment of women in marine governance. The sea is given more and more attention by different decision makers. It’s a growing sector and requires a variety of fields of expertise. So go for it !