Given the different and often diffuse sources of marine litter and plastics ending up in the ocean, purely sectoral approaches have so far been unsuccessful in combatting plastic pollution. More coordinated, multi-level action is needed to address pressures and impacts at the scale of marine ecosystems.
Solutions to tackle marine litter produced by fisheries (abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear, aka ALDFG) and shipping (lost cargo) require efforts across different governance layers to operationalise concrete actions, including better marking, monitoring, search, and reporting. Relevant EU directives and a future binding global plastics agreement, like the one supported by the UN Environment Assembly, provide additional impetus to act in Europe and globally.
This case study will evaluate interactions between different sectoral governance regimes and will produce lessons, conclusions and recommendations to inform HELCOM’s approach to marine litter. The output of this case study will assist HELCOM in aligning regional efforts to tackle ALDFG and lost cargo with wider international developments. This will reduce the duplication of efforts and will ensure that HELCOM’s ecological and managerial commitments on marine litter are fulfilled.
Geographically, the case study covers the Baltic Sea region while its thematic scope is limited to the issue of marine litter, with a focus on ALDFG and lost cargo.
In the Baltic Sea, regional cooperation to combat marine litter is well established so the case study has a wealth of experience to draw upon (e.g. multi-stakeholder approach, public-private cooperation) to build a rich collection of lessons and good practices for analysis. Through the Baltic Sea Action Plan and the revised 2021 HELCOM Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter, HELCOM countries have put forward an updated framework for regional cooperation in combatting marine litter. The framework contains a list of concrete actions where HELCOM countries need to act collectively to succeed. For HELCOM’s EU parties, the framework also provides important building blocks that can help them make progress on the ‘Zero pollution action plan’ linked to the EU Green Deal.
Research questions
In the context of the Green Deal's influence (as well as the Single Use Plastic Directive) are Multi-layered Marine Governance Arrangements (MMGAs) for abandoned, lost, and otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) within the Baltic Sea region evolving and how? Are related HELCOM and national actions evolving as result and in what way? How does this hinder or help to overcome the institutional barriers potentially identified for ALDFG within the region?
PERMAGOV partners
The case study is managed by RIFS in cooperation with HELCOM. HELCOM’s Secretariat will serve as a bridge between the project consortium and the HELCOM Expert Group on Marine Litter (HELCOM EG Marine Litter). Other working groups relevant to the case study are:
The HELCOM Working Group on Reduction of Pressures from Sea-based sources (WG Sea-based pressures) which is responsible for following up the implementation of the Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter as well as those commitments in the Baltic Sea Action Plan related to marine litter
The HELCOM Maritime Working Group (WG Maritime) which aims to prevent any pollution from ships, including deliberate operational discharges and accidental spills, while ensuring safe navigation
The HELCOM Working Group for the Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach (WG GEAR) which is active across several HELCOM work streams to support region-wide co-operation on all horizontal strategic elements of regional policy related to HELCOM’s work
Connection with other case studies
Seabed integrity in the Baltic Sea (case study 3) due to the overlapping regional scope, as well as HELCOM's policies and working groups
Marine litter in the Mediterranean (case study 9) due to thematic overlap