Here in PERMAGOV we are strongly opposed to the silo mentality. No no no..
We believe it's important to keep the doors wide open for cooperation and knowledge sharing, as this enables us to
Establish a sounding board for project activities/results
Get critical friends who can pinpoint areas for improvement, and in so doing prevent the consortium from becoming an echo chamber
Keep abreast of the latest developments/opportunities in marine affairs
Make project results more sustainable through joint action

We like to practice what we preach so yesterday we held our first co-creation workshop with external stakeholders from 17 institutions that share our vision of collaborative marine governance: ACTeon environment, Blue Marine Foundation, Danmarks Fiskeriforening, DIIS - Danish Institute for International Studies, European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF), Europe Jacques Delors, Global Maritime Forum, KU Leuven, Maritime Technology Cluster FVG - mareFVG, MedWaves, MIO-ECSDE, Norsk Industri, North Channel Wind, Norsk institutt for vannforskning (NIVA), Regione Emilia-Romagna, University of Portsmouth, Université Paris-Saclay.
What a day it was! Ideas swirled like sand in a vortex. Heated discussions, brainstorming sprints, energising ice breakers, copious coffee breaks perfect for corridor conversations and networking. We had them all.
Endless thanks to everyone who came and made this forum (the first of many) possible.
Event summary is available here.